Saturday, May 21, 2022


 Dear friends

Today I am going to share some great but disturbing comments written by a man I sincerely respect---FRANKLIN GRAHAM. Article composed by Bob Unruh and published May 7 2022. With my own read included.

Scripture tells us that the time will come (end times) when 'they' (some Christians) will not be able to stand sound Biblical doctrine. I believe that time is now!

As you know Mr. Graham is the head of Samaritans Purse ministry. Mr. Unruh writes for various publications. And then there is me. Who writes for the Lord only.

Progressive Christianity is not faith based, nor Biblically based in that it is extremely liberal in nature. Not relying on the Bible as ALWAYS being the inspired Word of God. In a cover article for Grahams ministry, it states that PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIANITY IS SOMETHING THAT CAN SEND A PERSON TO HELL! I could not agree more.

Continuing--The holy structure, Adopted by many leftist churches around the globe, neglects the fundamental issue of God's justice---How a holy and just God deals with sinful and wicked man.

Further these congregations are progressive regarding personal sin, and fail to see the ruinous consequences of mankind's depraved and sinful state. Biblical teaching on the precious blood of Christ, The sacrificial, substitutionary, atoning work of Christ death on the cross, Is often neglected or distorted

What is the result?

The real ultimate danger is that progressive Christianity can send a person to hell. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians about their attempt to return to the demands of the law rather than continuing to live by grace through faith. Such an attempt was not just a really bad idea, it actually will result in living under God's curse, not his grace and favour.

The exact same warning applies today to the advocates of progressive Christianity. They deceitfully promote and proclaim clearly a different gospel, Which means no gospel at all.....And they are leading multitudes astray!

The problem is that progressive  Christianity denies the Divinely inspired, authoritative truth of the Bible as it interacts with every facet of life. For example, following scripture clearly says that marriage is between one man one woman. Proponents of progressive Christianity twist and distort the truth of Gods Word on the subject of sexuality, focusing on such nonsensical trends as gender identity.

They deny Godly distinctions between the sexes, and instead invent their own misguided standards not being guided by the word of God. The degrading cultural influences that embrace such movements as gay marriage have more sway over their congregations than the Bible does.

To reject the deity of Christ is to reject Christ Himself. That in itself condemns a person to an eternity spent in hell. Or the hope that good works are enough, when in fact they cannot earn salvation.

The bottom line here, is that Christ's death, burial and resurrection is the only saving gospel. The Bible tells us, let not many of you become teachers, because you will be held to a higher level of accountability. Teachers and preachers of the word of God must be faithful to proclaim it from the pulpit and to do so Exactly as God intended and wrote by His holy prophets, throughout his entire Bible.  Praise and worship certainly have their place in church,  but there is no substitute for pastors preaching the power of the cross and of the resurrection because without the resurrection from the grave, Christianity would be nothing more that another empty-religion.

But it is not an empty religion because Christ has gone before us, defeating death and giving us eternal salvation through his atoning death on the cross.

There is only one way to salvation and that is through sincere repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord, and acknowledging that he was risen from the grave. There is one other point, In scripture Jesus says, Why do you call me Lord Lord if you do not do as I command. 

That includes traditional family values; The husband a man of the word and raising his wife and children in the ways of God, respecting his wife as an equal and teaching his children that there is only one sexual relationship approve my God, that being  between one man and one woman living a sanctified life before the Lord.

I cannot stress enough the dangers of homosexual relationships and I might add that even though we may know and love persons practicing homosexuality, we can never allow them to believe that we agree with it.

Finally--MEN ARE MEN and WOMEN ARE WOMEN. I don't care how many drugs or body parts are cut off--If you were born male you are male. If born female you are female.

God bless you all,

Pastor Rance.


 Dear friends

We ALL know things are not well in our beloved America. BUT WHY?

Oliver L. North and David Goetsch wrote a very common sense article about this that I would like to share with my readers.

This is not political on my part---merely what I consider to be truth. The Good Lord knows there is plenty wrong with our government on BOTH sides of the isle.



Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi claimed to be practicing Catholics, yet they have both been denied Holy Communion by their own church and their fellow Leftists have been working in unrelenting ways to drive God out of America's schools, Government and the Public Square. Why has communion been denied?  Because of their desire to continue murdering unborn babies through abortion.

Pelosi stands at the speakers rostrum which says  "In God we trust".  But in her case, that sign should read "In government we trust".

The actions of the left would be easier to take if their consequences were limited to the left, But this is not the case. All Americans are suffering as our problems revolve around  their political  perfidity.  All actions have consequences. The actions of the secular left In pushing God out of our culture have resulted in tragic consequences for an entire nation..

These two writers, North and  Goetsh have now published a book entitled "Tragic Consequences": It is about the price that America is paying for rejecting God and it has suggestions about how we can reclaim our culture for Christ

The cultural degradation wrought by the left, includes rampant abortion, gun violence, riots within our cities, mass shootings, human trafficking, child abuse, mob violence increased pornography, censorship, increased drug and alcohol abuse,  corruption at nearly every level,  road rage,  gutter politics, teenage suicides, the demise of the traditional family values, and a general demoralisation, of our entire culture.

That is not to say that these things all began with a Democratic Administration because that is not true, but the problems that America has been facing for the past several generations, are now becoming rampant across the board.

These tragic Consequences have a lot of Americans wondering, 'What is happening to our country'? The tragedies you see on the nightly news and read about in your morning newspaper are what happens in a country that rejects God. What you see all around you everyday is what a godless culture looks like.

Multicultural darkness is rapidly enveloping our country, We have two questions, one for those who reject God, and the other one for Christians. Our question for atheists is this: What did you think would  happen when you drove God out of our culture? What exactly were you trying to accomplish? Can you now See the error of your ways? And the question for Christians is simple; What are we going to do about it?

Those who work ceaselessly to drive God out of society, then cry about the predictable results, are like a kid who  pokes a wasp nest with a stick and then complains because he got stung. They are fools. This cultural degradation of our our society did not happen by accident. It was planned. It was a concerted decades-long effort by hypocrites such as Biden, Pelosi And Chuck Schumer AND many others! Why? Because a population who reports to God is tough to control. And this is all about CONTROL!

And I can throw a few names down who are on the right-hand side of the political of Isle in both  Congress and in the Senate.  It would be easy to place all of the blame on these political puppet masters but that would not be accurate. While the left side of society must except much of the blame for this sad state of our culture, we Christians must also except at least some of the blame. Why? Because rather than stand up and fightback against  those who are determined to make America a godless nation, too many Christians and too many churches have meekly stood by and let it happen in the name of being "Seeker Friendly".

Too many churches have become Sunday morning entertainment centers rather than preparing members to carry out the great commission. To expect their congregations to be good stewards of the blessings bestowed upon them by their Creator.  Including living in the only nation on earth founded on Christian values and biblical principles. Allowing the left to drive God out of our schools, government and public squares simply is not good stewardship.

For this reason the authors who originally wrote this article wrote the book that I spoke about above which goes well beyond just asking Christians, what are we going to do about it ? They give a  blueprint in the book for reclaiming the culture for Christ and it Requires that  Christians engage on six fronts: Family, church , education, the court system, politics, and in the public square-------And I'm quick to remind --on the subject of the great commission.


Comments from Pastor Rance:

I chose this article to reprint because I could not have said it better myself and because I believe that the church in general has fallen into a apathy that allows in many cases for a wink and a nod where sin issues are concerned. Even though most of  the people doing the winking and nodding may not be personally involved themselves. What is clear Biblically?  Under no circumstances can followers of Christ approve of sin or even take on the attitude of 'live and let live'.

We must be proactive , We must get our message out there and what is that message? The good news of the Gospel of Christ and the fact that salvation is a free gift of God that costs nothing but repentance and recognising that Jesus Christ is the son of God and that He rose from the grave. And coincidentally, Scripturally speaking, He is God.

I want to thank you all for reading this article and I hope you take it seriously. Having said that, to be clear, there are many fine churches and pastors who are teaching the scriptures exactly as written and I thank God for them. However the fact is there are now major portions of the church, more concerned about political correctness  than they are about Godly practice.

I don't know about you but I have a feeling we had better wake up and do something about it. 

Wake up church before it is too late.

God Bless you all,

Pastor Rance

Sunday, April 3, 2022



Did millions of people including some of your family members just suddenly disappear?

I can help you!

This is not a mystery. It is a Biblical event prophesied since the fist century. You say you don't believe in the Christian Bible or even in God? Well, it happened and it''s not too late for you to see your missing family again.

Go to any Christian church. It may be deserted but get into the building however you must. Find one of their Bibles. Leaf through the Bible on the right hand side until you come to a book with a name--First Thessalonians. Find Chapter 4 Verses 13 Through 18. Then look at At Second Thessalonians Chapter 2 Verses one through 12.

These Biblical entries will explain to you exactly what happened to your relatives or family members if they were followers of Jesus Christ. At first it may not make sense to you. But please Listen to me, Because there will be a lot of fake news trying to convince people that bad people we're somehow taken away from the world to make room for a new world order. In reality the people taken away were not bad people. They were good people who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ. And were taken by God Himself to heaven which is a very real place. 

Going back to the book of Second Thessalonians Chapter 2 Verse 7, which says the following, For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken Out-of-the-way.  That Person who is taken out of the way is the spirit of God who indwells  every single one of the missing people. When the Holy Spirit was taken away from earth,  it was an event called the Rapture of the church, And when He was taken away from earth so were all believers in Christ.

In verse eight it says---And then the lawless one will be revealed who the Lord (JESUS) will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of this coming.  Jesus Christ came the first time to earth in the first century as a Jewish Messiah and he will come the second time in about seven or eight years from the time that you're reading this message. The lawless one that is referred to is also called the anti-christ And he is an extremely evil man. Since he has not come during my time on earth I do not know his name.  But you will recognise him by his evil actions. He will subjugate all of mankind and cause all of them who are remaining on earth, Including you, to take a mark on your forehead or your right hand In servitude to his will. To worship him.

Under no circumstances should you allow this mark to be given to you. Shortly after your relatives were  taken away from this earth, this evil man called the anti-christ will cause a a seven year peace pact to be signed between Israel and her Arab  neighbours. That peace pact begins a 7 year period  called (in the Bible),  the time of Jacobs trouble.  During this period of time the anti-christ will cause unspeakable horror on the earth and kill millions of people. And then will come a War you have probably heard of called Armageddon. Near the end of this horrible war, Jesus Christ will come back to earth a second time and stop this war.

If you want to see your relatives again YOU MUST  become a follower of Jesus Christ And I will tell you right now How to do so.

In the Bible you are holding, again toward the right side, find a book called Romans. Look up chapter 10, scroll down until you find verses 9 and 10 . It says, If you confess with your mouth The Lord Jesus Christ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved. 

SAVED FROM WHAT? The alternative to heaven which is hell.

Verse 10 continues---For with the heart one  believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made to salvation. For the Scripture says whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame.

You're only hope for the future is to place your faith in Christ. Say a prayer to him. Repent for your sins and accept him as your Lord and King. If you do that you will end up spending eternity with your missing family members and that was the only way to do it.

Under no circumstances believe anything that the anti-christ tells you because it is nothing but lies, false propaganda.

Once you become a follower of Christ, go back to the right in your Bible and find the last book which is called Revelation. It is filled with symbolism but it is very real. For a new believer in Christ it will be difficult to understand, But if you pray, The Holy Spirit will help you.

I can only say, may the Lord bless you and keep you safe during this horrible seven years of tribulation that you are about to endure. You may even lose your life, But if you have confessed Christ as your Saviour you will spend eternity in heaven with God and with your family.

Got bless you,

Pastor Rance Cook.

Writing so you can find this---AFTER the Rapture has happened.